Act Wisely, Leave While You Can
ACT WISELY, LEAVE WHILE YOU CAN By Ethel Schultz Pittaway This is the story of Abigail and Lizzie (not her real name). Abigail, as the Bible tells us, was married to a mean, dishonest fool called Nabal. Lizzie lived with her partner, the father of her children, who was abusive and a drunk. In the story of Abigail (1 Samuel 25) David, who had been camping nearby, sent a request during shearing time which also was feast time, to Abigail's husband, Nabal to remind him of the protection his workers had enjoyed and requested some payback. It was also culturally accepted that hospitality was shown to travellers. All David got for his trouble were some pretty rough insults and Nabal saying that he didn't know who the heck David was! David's response was one of anger and threats. Nabal's servants knowing who to go to when trouble was brewing, found Abigail and warned her that David had taken these insults personally. The servant said "You'd better...