Men And Women Are Gifted Equally - Why Are We Still Having This Conversation?

I read a blog recently by a man who believes that the "biblical pattern of male leadership limits the pastorate to men"! Why believe him when the overwhelming evidence in the bible is that God gifted both men and women equally? A silly ditty, 'How the hell can we believe you?',  sung at weddings when the groom is about to give his speech comes to mind! 

Why are  we still having this conversation? Let's rather read the bible in large chunks and not just obscure passages to disprove those with clear and obvious meanings. The message of the bible tells us that human beings cannot know the thoughts of Almighty God! Why continue to put God in a box that can be controlled and manipulated to serve our own selfish desires. "Who has understood the mind of the Lord, or instructed him as his counsellor? Who did the Lord consult to enlighten him?" Isaiah 40:13
God's creation of Adam first (in Genesis 2) is not an indication that males are meant to be dominant over females or a biblical pattern of male leadership limiting the pastorate to men. God chose Jacob instead of Esau to be the ancestor of the Hebrews, Moses, younger brother of Aaron to lead God's people from Egypt and to become the great Lawgiver, David, the youngest son of Jesse to be king of Israel and the ancestor of Christ!
Why continue to pursue a road that leads to putting down, excluding from ministry, declaring inferior, restricting and abusing women when if the question is asked "What would Jesus do" the answer is to be found throughout the New Testament.

"Jesus was a friend of women. He vigorously promoted the dignity and equality of women in terms of both value and function, and He left us this example. Is it not our responsibility now to emulate His attitudes and actions?" Jesus, Friend of Women, Dr. Susan C. Hyatt

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